Prefr Credit: Get Instant Personal Loans Up To 3 Lakh


Prefr Credit is an app that provides instant personal loans of up to 3,00,000 directly to your bank account, making it easier for middle-income groups to progress and grow in life not just personally but professionally as well. Here are the key features of Prefr Credit:

100% Digital & Paperless Process

Prefr Credit's loan application process is entirely digital and paperless. There's no need to visit any bank branch or submit any physical documents, making the process quicker and more convenient for customers.

No Collaterals

Prefr Credit does not require any collaterals or security to approve a loan application. This means customers can get the loan amount they need without having to provide any assets or guarantees.

Tenure- 3 to 42 Months

Customers can choose a loan tenure between 3 to 42 months as per their repayment capacity and convenience.

Borrow Loans from Rs.25,000 to Rs. 3,00,000

Prefr Credit offers personal loans ranging from Rs.25,000 to Rs. 3,00,000, making it easier for customers to borrow the amount they need to meet their financial goals.

Fast Flexible Credits for Your Personal Use

Prefr Credit provides fast and flexible credit options for personal use. Customers can use the loan amount for any personal expense like home renovation, wedding, medical emergency, education, or any other purpose.

Fast Disbursal

Prefr Credit disburses the loan amount directly to the customer's bank account within two working days of loan approval.

Eligibility for Prefr Personal Loan

To be eligible for a Prefr personal loan, customers need to meet the following criteria:

Age: Between 22 to 55 Yrs Citizen: Indian Employment Type - Salaried & Self-employed Income- Salaried- 18K (Metro- Tierl City), 15K (Tier 2 Cities) Self-employed- 22K

Documents Required for Prefr Personal Loan

Customers need to keep the following documents handy while applying for a Prefr personal loan:

Aadhaar Card PAN Card Bank account details

Application Process for Prefr Personal Loan

The application process for Prefr personal loan is straightforward and can be completed in a few simple steps. Here's how it works:

Step 1:  click on the link and submit the required details like Name, mobile number, email ID, and city Pincode, then click on 'Start Journey.'

Step 2: The customer will be redirected to the official website to register and apply for the loan. Click on 'Get Started' from the screen. Then enter your mobile number and verify it with the OTP.

Step 3: In the next step, mention employment type, organization type, and net monthly income.

Step 4: Now submit the personal details, like name, DOB, Email ID, PAN number, required loan amount, and purpose of the loan.

Step 5: Submit current and permanent address details. After that, provide company and work details. Mark in the checkbox and give permission to verify Bureau data.

Step 6: Now enter the OTP and click on Verify, then the details will be verified by the system.

Step 7: In the next step, the eligible loan amount will be displayed on the screen, enter the required loan amount, select the tenure, and click on 'Confirm & proceed.'

Step 8: Now the customer has to submit a selfie and KYC documents and click on 'Proceed.

Step 9: Click a selfie and upload it. If your mobile number is linked with an Aadhaar card, then select yes, mark in the checkbox

However, based on current trends and advancements in technology, it is likely that digital lending platforms like Prefr Credit will continue to grow and evolve. We may see even faster processing times, more personalized loan offers, and increased security measures to protect borrowers' sensitive information. Additionally, as more people gain access to smartphones and the internet, we may see a larger portion of the population utilizing digital lending platforms to access credit. Overall, the future of lending looks to be increasingly digital, efficient, and accessible.

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